In our Paramedic Service we use Dr. Hunt’s books in 2 ways.  First, anytime we have a Paramedic that is taking a maternity or paternity leave we give them a set of the books as a “shower” type gift; second, when a Paramedic with young children encounte​rs a stressful critical incident we provide a set of the books and encourage the paramedic to take them home and read them with their children so the children will have an understanding of what their parent may be experiencing.  We sell it to the Paramedic that it is a tool for helping their children to understand but what we are finding is it is an exceptional tool to help the Paramedic and their spouse to understand what may be going on and that it is a normal response or maybe a response that needs some professional support.  In both cases, anyone that has received the books have had nothing but praise and provide positive stories of how they have been of benefit to their family.

– Supt. John Anderson, Paramedic Peer Support Team Coordinator, York Region Paramedic Services